General who captured Messina Denaro: “Hiding thanks to collusion, we Carabinieri also need antibodies”

During a conference on security and health in Rome, Pasquale Angelosanto, commander of the Carabinieri’s Ros unit, highlighted the collusion between the mafia and public administration, emphasizing the need for “antibodies” within the police force. The discussion revolved around the collaboration between the national healthcare system’s information and Ros investigations that led to the capture of mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro. Angelosanto also recounted an incident involving a Provenzano associate who obtained information from a corrupt Carabinieri marshal, leading to the conviction of both individuals. Additionally, it was revealed that two brothers of Messina Denaro’s lover were among those hired at a clinic associated with the mafia.

Il generale che catturò Messina Denaro: «Latitanze grazie alle collusioni, anche noi carabinieri abbiamo bisogno di anticorpi»

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