Former military chaplain of Francofonte on trial for sexual violence against minors.
The former military chaplain of Francofonte, Salvatore Cunsolo, accused of sexual violence against minors, will be judged in an expedited trial conditioned on the hearing of some witnesses. This decision was made by the gup of Syracuse, Andrea Migneco, who admitted the hearing of the caregiver of the chaplain, Monsignor Bruzzese, the cardinal who reportedly hosted the young man who accused the priest for many years. The judge, at the request of the civil party, rejected the hearing of journalist Marco Felipe Perfetti, director of a blog, and reserved the decision on the acquisition of some transcripts from the ecclesiastical trial as they belong to a different legal system. Cunsolo has already been sent to trial by the ecclesiastical court and suspended from the eparchy of Piana degli albanesi to which he belonged. The former chaplain was reported by a now adult young man from Francofonte who told the Syracuse mobile team that he had been abused by the religious leader from the age of 9 until he was 18.
L’ex cappellano militare di Francofonte a giudizio per violenza sessuale su minori
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