Former employees in Caltabellotta seize assets of nursing home

Former employees of the Rizzuti Sacro Cuore social services center in Caltabellotta (province of Agrigento) have filed a garnishment request with the enforcement judge of the Sciacca court. They are seeking the coercive recovery of their credits, relating to years of unpaid salaries for a total amount exceeding one million euros.

The center is the owner of a nursing home for the elderly, one of the public assistance and charity institutions controlled by the Sicilian Region and still managed by an extraordinary commissioner. The nursing home has been inactive for 7 years. During this time, the workers, about twenty people, had hoped that the facility could eventually reopen. Now they have decided to stop waiting.

The Tax Agency has also entered the garnishment procedure, as it claims a credit of approximately 550 thousand euros against Rizzuti Sacro Cuore. The total debt exposure is now over one and a half million euros.

The entity has no liquidity, but it owns thirty-three plots of land of various sizes, rented out to farmers in the area over time, as well as four apartments in the town. This real estate portfolio was accumulated over the years thanks to specific testamentary bequests from guests of the facility before their deaths. The garnishment process is expected to be lengthy and complex.

Caltabellotta, gli ex dipendenti pignorano i beni di una casa di riposo

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