Flights from Comiso to Pisa and Bologna resume, here are the updates

Flights from Pisa to Comiso are starting again. Aeroitalia announces the resumption of its air operations from March 26th, with flights scheduled twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. The resumption of the services offered will ensure a better connection between the two areas of the country, providing a greater variety of choices for travelers moving from Sicily to central Italy and vice versa. Also restarting at the end of March are the air routes from Comiso to Pisa and Bologna with the same company’s planes. Flights will be 3 times a week to Bologna and 2 times to Pisa, both university cities whose air routes will be very useful especially for commuting students, also enticing some tourists to visit the baroque beauties.
Ripartono i voli da Comiso verso Pisa e Bologna, ecco le novità
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