Fire still burning in Palermo: Old Town, flames at renovated soccer field two weeks ago

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It’s not over yet: the flames of San Giuseppe continue to burn. The day after the night of madness that left three officers injured, Borgo Vecchio is added to the list. In via dello Speziale, waste and wood have been stacked inside the football field of legality renovated just two weeks ago.

Some kids are believed to be the perpetrators of the incident, and then threatened the teams of firefighters who intervened. The firefighters were forced to wait for the arrival of law enforcement forces (riot police) to intervene. A helicopter from the State police is flying over the area in support of the teams in action. Another flame is being recorded inside the Capo in via Sant’Anna, once again the teams of firefighters from the provincial command are on site.

A real emergency began in the late afternoon of yesterday, March 18, when a group of young people lit a large flame in piazza San Francesco Saverio, in Albergheria, and then threw glass bottles and stones at the police. Violence also in Kalsa, in via Tiro a Segno and in Sant’Erasmo. Yesterday evening, even the van of the Municipal Police’s Accident Unit was targeted, with an ambush set up in Brancaccio: the vehicle arrived in piazza Norman Zarcone after a report of an accident, but was pelted with stones.

Ancora vampe a Palermo: Borgo Vecchio, fiamme nel campetto di calcio ristrutturato due settimane fa

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