Fiorello on Canale 5 investigates crime as a journalist in Palermo.

In the unique and inimitable context of the city of Palermo, the Corsaro brothers move. Fabrizio is a crime journalist, Roberto is a criminal lawyer: that’s why they often find themselves forced to work on the same case.

Impulsive and libertine Fabrizio, precise and poised Roberto, deeply in love with his wife, despite the continuous bickering, will be able to solve even the most difficult mysteries. Beyond the investigations into the lives of the two brothers, there is also space for family and emotions.

Giuseppe Fiorello, for years a leading face of Rai’s audience-catching programs, lands on Mediaset with a new series, The Corsaro Brothers, airing on Canale 5 from Wednesday, September 11, in which he returns to play a crime journalist.

The fiction is based on the successful books of Sicilian journalist Salvo Toscano, in particular from the novels “Last Appeal”, “The Barabbas Enigma”, “Blood of my Blood”, “Unusual Suspects” (Newton Compton publishers). The screenplay is signed by Giuseppe Fiorello himself, Salvatore De Mola, Pier Paolo Piciarelli. The direction is by Francesco Miccichè.

The actor in Sicily had previously been a director with his beautiful “Stranizza d’Amuri” (also nominated for the Davids) and has returned for the new Mediaset series. Initially Giuseppe Fiorello was supposed to play the role of the younger brother Roberto – as he says in an interview, a role that was then entrusted to co-star Briguglia.

Didn’t you think about directing? “No, but I’ll be back soon, I’m thinking about other projects. I’m glad the film has been well received. I want to say that I strongly wanted to do this series of the Corsaro brothers. Years ago I read Toscano’s books and they fascinated me, because there were no stereotypes but a good dose of irony and mystery. And then there was Palermo, a city I know less about compared to Catania. It is beautiful and welcomed us with open arms”.

“For example Wim Wenders, in a beautiful film like Palermo Shooting, gives an image of a dark city, suspended between life and death. We will focus on the colors, the liveliness, the joy, the irony, the family affection in addition to the cases of the episodes, so it is a well-balanced series”.

“For years a face of Rai’s fiction, now Giuseppe Fiorello moves to Mediaset. “I want to clarify that I have never had an exclusive contract with anyone, I am free. I owe a lot to Rai, but never say never. Now I wanted to do this project that I proposed to Cammilla Nesbitt. She was the fastest to get the rights. The right person is the right producer. The project is realized by her with CamFilm together with Taodue. Mediaset has given me full freedom as Camilla”.

“Between twists and family secrets, while Fabrizio (Fiorello) looks for a balance between his many female conquests, Roberto (Briguglia) has the great desire to become a father, but both are always ready to run home to their mother who spoils them with her delicacies”.

“Despite the frequent quarrels, the Corsaro brothers support each other, united by an unshakable fraternal bond and their tenacity and investigative acumen will lead them to solve every mystery, unmasking hypocrisies and deceptions and restoring justice to the victims”.

“The mother, very protective, is always ready to welcome the two brothers: ‘Her favorite is Fabrizio’ Briguglia jokes ‘for his ironic, carefree manner, which in reality resembles me more. Even if she puts us back in line'”.

Fiorello replies: “My mother also, if she sees me on TV, emphasizes: but how were you dressed, or combed. It must be said that I trust her a lot, she was the first to see the working copy of Stranizza d’amuri: when she said “it’s an authentic film, it’s true”, multiple times, I understood that I had done a good job”.

“The Corsaro Brothers is Produced by Camfilm, with the contribution of the Fund for the Development of Investments in Cinema and Audiovisual and with the contribution of the Sicilian Region – Department of Tourism Sport and Entertainment – Sicilia Film Commission, presented by Taodue.”

Fiorello su Canale 5 è un giornalista di nera che indaga a Palermo

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