Filca Cisl’s maneuver in Rome with 100 builders: “Ready to discuss for improvement”

The financial maneuver of the government should focus on unlocking infrastructure, which represents the real recovery of the South. Hundreds of construction workers will be in Rome tomorrow to participate in a demonstration organized by the Cisl to ask for improvements in the maneuver and readiness for dialogue. It is crucial to define a new social pact that includes defending workers’ purchasing power and demanding higher wages. They also call for changes to the Fornero law and more investment in workplace safety. The Secretary also emphasizes the importance of workers’ participation in company decisions and profits. The Cisl considers the strike to be the most important tool for union struggle and will not back down on these demands.

Manovra, la Filca Cisl in piazza a Roma con 100 edili: «Pronti al confronto per migliorare misura»

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