Fight against waste and bulky items starts again in Palermo: multiple inspections.
The fight against illegal waste disposal and littering has begun in Palermo, Italy. The local police and provincial authorities are teaming up to crack down on this issue, which has turned the city into an open dump. The main objective is to clean up the areas affected and ensure they are livable. So far, eight teams have been deployed to patrol the city as part of an agreement between the local authorities and the waste management company. In the first three days, they have issued over 20 fines, totaling 2,500 euros, to those who contribute to the problem. The patrols have focused on the historical center and the outskirts, which are the most affected areas. In the city center, residents who dumped waste outside of designated hours were caught and fined 160 euros each. The patrols also involved waste management teams who found receipts from local businesses in the trash, enabling further investigations and fines for improper waste disposal by these establishments. On the outskirts, the focus was on preventing people from neighboring provinces from dumping their waste in Palermo, instead of properly disposing of it in their own areas. Several vehicles were stopped, and two were found to have insurance and inspection issues. The efforts aim to clean up the city and deter further littering and illegal waste disposal.
Multe e ispezioni, a Palermo riparte la lotta contro gli abbandoni di rifiuti e ingombranti
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