Festival of Migrant Literatures: Contro/verso in Palermo
“Contro/verso” is the title of the ninth edition of the Festival of Migrant Literatures, scheduled from October 11th to 15th at the Cultural Shipyard at Zisa in Palermo. It is described as a journey through literature, as well as visual arts, theater, and music, considered as interpretative canons of the contemporary. This edition attempts to unravel the many “controversies” of our time, starting from literary texts and exploring other languages, including documentaries. The theme of migration, in the tenth anniversary of the Lampedusa shipwreck, is one of the main threads of this edition. The schedule of events opens on October 11th with meetings dedicated to schools and journalist Mohamed Maalel making his debut as a novelist with Baba (Accento Edizioni, 2023), an unconventional story about multiculturalism and identity. Books such as Mal di Libia. I miei giorni sul fronte del Mediterraneo (Bompiani, 2023) by Nancy Porsia, recounting the experiences of the only Italian journalist who remained in Libya after the Arab Spring, and Rari nantes, il naufragio dell’umanità (Left, 2023) by lawyer Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo and journalist Flore Murard Yovanovitch, analyzing the controversial aspects of law and politics, including the drift of Italian and European policies against people escaping from the Global South, delve into current political issues. Nuri al Jarrah’s collection of poems, Esodo dall’abisso del Mediterraneo (Le Monnier, Università, 2023), offers an insight into the Syrian tragedy. Also connected to the festival’s themes is the project of the Franco-German Cultural Institute Kultur Ensemble, curated by the Goethe-Institut and the Institut français in Palermo, which for the first time provides artist residencies for exiled artists and opens up a broad reflection on the concepts of exile and asylum. The Kultur Ensemble is one of the new partners of Flm 2023. The resident artists who will engage with the theme of exile/asylum are the Palestinian-born Syrian filmmaker and photographer Samer Salameh, who currently resides in France, and the Belarusian journalist, activist, and writer Ludmila Pogodina, who resides in Germany. This first edition, curated by Bianca Bozzeda and Judith Testault, is developed in collaboration with the Department of Law at the University of Palermo, as well as the Martin Roth Initiative and the Atelier des artistes en exil, two organizations that support artists in exile in Germany and France respectively. The residency period will allow the two artists to focus on their writing work.
«Contro/verso», festival delle letterature migranti a Palermo
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