Fear on Palermo-Catania highway: car on fire in Enna, passengers safe

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First smoke, then flames engulfed the front of a car that was in motion, quickly spreading. Moments of fear along the Palermo-Catania highway, in the Enna area. The man at the wheel and his passengers managed to abandon the vehicle just in time: the car was completely destroyed by the fire.

The driver raised the alarm and firefighters and highway police officers arrived on the scene. The latter were involved in managing traffic: the stretch of highway was temporarily closed and there were heavy traffic delays. According to preliminary investigations, a short circuit is believed to have caused the flames while the car was in motion.

A few days ago, another vehicle caught fire in the middle of traffic on the Palermo-Mazara del Vallo highway: long queues were recorded both at the entrance to the Sicilian capital and at the exit, due to the fire of a car parked in the emergency lane on the A29 junction, at the height of the Cervello hospital. The driver, in this case too, managed to stop in time, pull over, and get out of the vehicle, putting himself in safety.

Paura sull’autostrada Palermo-Catania: auto in fiamme ad Enna, passeggeri in salvo

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