Fake policemen scam elderly woman in Palermo, stealing 30 thousand euros

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New scam carried out by fake carabinieri and police officers yielded 30 thousand euros. The technique is always the same. They show up at an elderly woman’s house and tell her that her son has had a serious accident and that money is needed to help him and prevent him from going to jail.
The scam, another one in Palermo, despite the commercials with Lino Banfi, targeted a 90-year-old woman who lives in via Generale Antonio Baldissera, just a few meters from via Marchese di Villabianca and the Cannizzaro scientific high school.
The elderly victim, panicked, complied with the scammer’s requests, who left the apartment with a loot of about 30 thousand euros in cash and jewelry. The scammer had contacted the elderly woman through the home phone number, keeping her on the line to prevent her from calling 112 and telling her about an accident involving her son who was at the police station.
The victim, after rifling through drawers and furniture throughout the apartment, took money and gold jewelry to hand over to that plainclothes officer who would have prevented her son from ending up in jail on charges of vehicular manslaughter. The woman only discovered the scam after contacting her son. The investigation is being conducted by the police.
Si fingono poliziotti e truffano un’anziana a Palermo, portati via 30 mila euro
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