Fake lawyers or police officers in Agrigento trick elderly people into giving them gold and cash in a series of scams.

Explain in brief the following article:

Four cases of fraud have been reported in Agrigento, Canicattì, and Ravanusa, where individuals pretending to be a lawyer or a police officer tricked elderly people into giving them money and valuables to avoid legal troubles related to alleged accidents or unpaid fines. The article also warns readers to be cautious and not to trust strangers who come to their homes claiming to be officials from various organizations, such as the municipality, post office, or utilities companies. Genuine officials always provide advance notice before visiting homes, and it is important to ask for identification to verify their legitimacy.

Agrigento, si fingono avvocati o carabinieri e si fanno consegnare oro e contanti: raffica di truffe agli anziani

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