Enifal, short film by Ciprì, opens Trieste International Festival

Explaination: The article talks about a short film by Daniele Ciprì called “Enif Al”, which is produced by the Film School Piano Focale – Eikona Film in Palermo. The film will open the 25th edition of the “Shorts international film festival” in Trieste on June 29, 2024. The film reflects on human and artistic emotions and is about two clowns preparing for a special performance that is a representation of life itself. The film is a collaborative effort of students of the film school and the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo, and is directed by Giuseppe Gigliorosso, starring Giuseppe Lo Piccolo and Bruno Di Benedetto with original music by Maestro Alessandro Speciale.

Translation: “A word pronounced backwards rewinds the tape of an entire existence, in fact of two. The short film by Daniele Ciprì “Enif Al” produced by the Cinema School Piano Focale -Eikona Film in Palermo opens the 25th edition of the “Shorts international film festival” in Trieste on Saturday, June 29, 2024. The evening will begin with a special tribute to the Sicilian director and cinematographer. “Enif Al” is born from a path that Daniele Ciprì is carrying out with the film school Piano Focale of Palermo on the cinematographic imagery. A human and artistic reflection on man and art. The short film, produced by Giuseppe Gigliorosso, was made by the students of the direction, direction of photography and production course in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo. The short film is interpreted by Giuseppe Lo Piccolo and Bruno Di Benedetto. The original music is by Maestro Alessandro Speciale. It tells the story of two clowns preparing for a very special show: the staging of life. They make up, dress up, joke around as accomplices. The performance is the best of their career. At the end of the exhibition, while thanking the audience, they realize that the audience is a single spectator who, after applauding them, takes them with him. The story is told through images and music.”

Enifal, il film breve di Ciprì apre il festival internazionale di Trieste

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