Disorder and protests in Sciacca due to lack of water for tankers

In Sciacca yesterday (June 12, 2024), the owners of private water tanks once again raised their voices as two loading points were found without water to fill the vehicles, and in contrada Sovareto the waiting times are long. The result is that delays have already accumulated in loading the water tanks, and precisely at the same time a distribution round in the historic center was postponed. “Even the largest water tanks – says Agostino Montalbano, owner of one of the companies that provide water – we can’t even load them. It takes us 30 minutes to load a tank of 8 cubic meters, when in normal conditions it only takes 3 or 4 minutes. The 22 cubic meter one, in fact, we can’t even load it.”

This lengthens the waiting times. “We are sorry – says Michele Bono, of another company – for the people waiting for water, but we can’t do more.” “If there is no water due to difficulties in the supply points – adds Agostino Montalbano – this slows everything down.” The thermal city has areas, especially along the coastal strip, where there is no water network, and a delay or the impossibility of receiving the supply with tank trucks prevents the use of numerous properties. Despite everything, the approximately 160 liters per second distributed up to today have not caused extreme discomfort situations.

(In the photo Pantano, Michele Bono and Agostino Montalbano)

Disagi e proteste a Sciacca, poca acqua anche per le autobotti

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