Denise’s disappearance, Piera Maggio’s mother: “It will be a sad 24th birthday”

Explain to me the following article briefly:
Denise Pipitone’s 24th birthday will be marked by sadness,” these are the words of Piera Maggio, Denise Pipitone’s mother, on the occasion of her daughter’s disappearance on September 1, 2004 from Mazara del Vallo, in the province of Trapani. In a social media post, Piera Maggio writes: “Even though you are far away, our love for you knows no boundaries. Every day we think of you and send you all our affection. We hope that your day is full of joy and wonder, just like you. Happy birthday, Denise, wherever you are. Dad Pietro and mom Piera, your true family.”
The latest developments in the case
Regarding the latest events concerning the request to reopen the investigation made by Tony Pipitone, ex-husband of Piera Maggio and non-biological father of Denise, Maggio herself commented that she has “nothing to add”. Twenty long years have passed since the disappearance of the child, abducted around noon in front of her house while playing on Via Domenico La Bruna, corner Via Castagnola.
What happened
Denise was with her grandmother that day and was playing in the garage-kitchen. That morning the child chased a cousin and turned the corner of the street. The last sighting is of an aunt who reported seeing her for the last time around 11.45 returning home, where she will never return. From that moment, in those few minutes, all traces of the child were completely lost. Many trials, investigative leads, and accusations that have bounced back and forth in the courtroom and led to the acquittal of Jessica Pulizzi, Denise’s stepsister and the only accused for the abduction.
La scomparsa di Denise, la mamma Piera Maggio: «Sarà il 24° compleanno all’insegna della tristezza»
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