Catania Metropolitan Transport Agency hiring drivers and traffic assistants: details.

The Catania Spa Metropolitan Transport and Parking Company has issued notices to select 37 resources for drivers and traffic assistants. The contracts will be permanent. The deadline for applications is December 12th.

The two competitions are for: 8 drivers in charge of forced car removal service and 29 traffic assistants. General requirements include Italian or EU citizenship, being registered to vote, having civil and political rights, and a clean criminal record.

Specific requirements for drivers include a high school diploma, a valid C driving license, and a professional qualification certificate (CQC). Traffic assistants need a high school diploma, a valid driver’s license for motorcycles and cars, and full physical and mental suitability.

Applications must be submitted by December 12th through the company’s website.

Azienza metropolitana trasporti di Catania, concorsi per autisti e ausiliari del traffico: i bandi

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