Catania in water polo still with zero points: already facing relegation battle

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In the capital to move up the rankings. Nuoto Catania is still without points and, tomorrow, in the pool of Roma Vis Nova, will live, already on the third day of the A1 water polo championship, a salvation challenge, a very delicate match, in the Roghi pool of Monterotondo. The rossazzurro changing room knows this well, as confirmed by striker Eugenio Russo: “It will certainly be a tough match. We come from an intense week full of training and we have prepared ourselves as best we can for this match. That’s why we will try to take another step forward from the last performance. We are a new and young group, we need patience but I am sure we will achieve our goals.”
In the previous two matches, the men coached by coach Peppe Dato lost to the Trieste powerhouse and a more clinical Posillipo in front of goal. Hope also lies in the more recent tradition: last season Catania and Vis Nova, then promoted, faced each other five times with a balance of three victories to two in favor of the rossazzurra team.
Pallanuoto, Catania ancora a zero punti: è già sfida salvezza
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