Car crash in Palermo on A29: 29-year-old seriously injured in hospital

Still accidents in Palermo. Two cars collided, around 1 pm, on the side ramp of the A29 Palermo-Mazara del Vallo highway, towards the Sicilian capital. The impact was very violent, with the two drivers of the cars injured. One of them, a 29-year-old man, was transported in code red by 118 personnel to Villa Sofia hospital: the conditions would be serious and the prognosis reserved. The accident investigation police intervened on the spot, who made the surveys and started the investigations. Traffic in the area suffered from disruptions, with slowdowns due to the narrowing of the roadway, necessary for rescue and surveys.
Incidente a Palermo, scontro tra due auto sull’A29: un giovane di 29 anni grave in ospedale
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