Ars approves 550 million euro corrective maneuver: contributions for expensive mortgages and agriculture sector

The Regional Assembly of Sicily has approved a corrective budget of 550 million euros, with 32 in favor and 22 against. The League has claimed a provision allocating 50 million euros to Irfis to help lower mortgage costs for low-income families. Additionally, 13 million euros will support workers and businesses in the agricultural, agri-food and wine sectors, with funding for wine cooperatives, a consortium for irrigation, and staff requalification in the agricultural development agency. A further 10.7 million euros will provide advance payments for regional staff and a million euros will be allocated for supplementary health insurance. This marks the first time regional employees are given economic rights comparable to those of state employees.

Ars, via libera alla manovra correttiva da 550 milioni di euro: contributi per il caro mutui e il settore agricolo

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