Analysis labs and nursing homes in Sicily, Rome halts 35 million: no hires for Covid precarios in hospitals

The national government’s rejection of 5 regulations that the Region attempted to approve with the latest Financial Law reopens million-dollar battles in healthcare. Analysis laboratories and affiliated specialists could be asked to repay 13 million euros, while Residential Health Care Facilities (Rsa) lose 22 million euros in increases. Finally, the hope of so-called Covid precariously employed workers to be hired in the mini hospitals that will be built with PNRR funds is shattered. The axe of the Council of Ministers has fallen mainly on the article that would have introduced a regularization for the extra funds that were disbursed to analysis laboratories between 2020 and 2022. These were the years of the pandemic, when the Region asked these facilities not to close and to keep staff on duty (who otherwise would have been put on furlough). However, according to the Health Department, these extra funds were never justified by actual provision of services and therefore former director Mario La Rocca had asked for their repayment last summer.

Article by Giacinto Pipitone on Giornale di Sicilia, available in stores today.

Laboratori di analisi e Rsa in Sicilia, da Roma stop a 35 milioni: niente assunzioni negli ospedali per i precari Covid

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