Altavilla massacre: Legal representative of preacher couple claims Barreca’s daughter is not telling the truth

Sabrina Fina and Massimo Carandente have shouted their innocence during the interviews they had today. They did not take part in the torture nor in the murders of the three members of the Barreca family.” This was stated by lawyer Salvatore Cusumano who today, at the Pagliarelli prison in Palermo, met the couple under investigation, along with Giovanni Barreca, for allegedly killing the wife and two children of the latter during an exorcism. “I have seen both of them. They have reconstructed all the facts and declare themselves innocent,” the lawyer added. They have expressed the desire to be heard by the judicial authority to be able to reconstruct what happened in the villa and reiterate that the events did not occur as described by Giovanni Barreca’s daughter (the girl is also under investigation). We will now submit a request for questioning.”

“They are really worn out by a month of solitary confinement,” the lawyer added. Carandente is in hospital because he had a fainting spell. They hope to be able to get out of prison as soon as they are heard by the magistrates. Massimo and Sabrina are two calm, very religious people. They prayed to the Lord during the conversation. They are evangelical believers, but not fanatics.” “Carandente,” he concluded, “is a very thin person with several pathologies, and I find it difficult to see him during torture and beatings. It doesn’t seem to me that he has the strength to attack or strike anyone. They told me that there was a lot of hatred between family members and the atmosphere was very tense. The girl couldn’t wait to escape, as did her brother. They intervened at the request of the Barreca family and organized prayer vigils to support the family. They have never been part of a sect, only prayer groups.”

Strage di Altavilla, il legale della coppia di predicatori: «La figlia di Barreca non dice la verità»

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