Almaviva requests joint examination for staff reduction

Almaviva Contact has today requested the activation of the joint examination procedure for staff reduction. This is a technical aspect in line with the shared path in the agreements signed in December of last year and in July of this year, and is functional to ensure workers access to additional income support tools during the continuation of projects related to the re-employment plan of Sviluppo Lavoro Italia, including the first 158 new job offers, not yet accepted, and the other dozens identified that are expected to be finalized in the coming weeks.
To date, Almaviva Contact’s workforce consists of 504 employees, distributed in the offices of Rome, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Catania and Cosenza, placed in zero-hour furlough for years and all involved in the re-employment plan, about half of whom remained in force without accepting the offer of indefinite employment and territorial continuity in the previous contract changes, in application of the social clause.
The two agreements were signed institutionally by the company, trade unions, Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, Sviluppo Lavoro Italia and the regions involved. The furlough scheme expires on December 31 of this year.
Almaviva, richiesta l’attivazione della procedura di esame congiunto per riduzione di personale
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