Fatal car accident near Troina: Woman dies, husband in critical condition, daughter injured

A traffic accident occurred today, August 30th, shortly before 6 pm on the 575 state road, the Paternò-Troina road. A 32-year-old woman died instantly following a collision that took place 12 kilometers from the town of Troina. Four people were injured, with the husband of the deceased woman in serious condition, being airlifted to Cannizzaro Hospital in Catania. The couple’s daughter was also injured but not in serious condition. Three cars were involved in the accident. Personnel from the 115 emergency service in Adrano and Nicosia, as well as the Nicosia police force, were present at the scene. Several ambulances from the 118 emergency service were also dispatched.

Incidente stradale a 12 chilometri da Troina: muore una donna, grave il marito, ferita anche la figlioletta

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