Breaded swordfish

Breaded swordfish

Breaded swordfish from Palermo is one of the most famous fish recipes in Sicily. This dish can be considered rather light thanks to its cooking method, which involves the use of only a little oil to make the breading stick to the slice.

The preparation is extremely simple: simply massage the slices of fish with good extra virgin olive oil, along with a sprinkling of salt and pepper. After mixing the breadcrumbs with chopped parsley and oregano, pass the fish in the breading and cook in a pan or on a very hot grill. In a few minutes, you get a perfect cooking and a golden and crunchy crust.

This breaded swordfish from Palermo is ideal when you have little time to prepare lunch or dinner, but you do not want to give up the taste and pleasure of the table. Accompanied by a fresh salad of lettuce and a slice of homemade bread, it is a complete dish that will satisfy all palates.

If, however, the fish is not to your liking, you can always try the meat version of the recipe, practically identical but with breaded and roasted meat from Palermo (with video recipe).

ingredients for Breaded swordfish

  • 2 swordfish slices
  • qb breadcrumbs
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 pinch of oregano
  • qb oil EVO
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Remove the skin from the swordfish slices, rinse in water and carefully dry with paper towels.
  • Pour plenty of olive oil in a dish with a pinch of salt and pepper and pass the slices of fish on both sides.
    Let it rest so that it is well flavored and in the meantime dedicate yourself to the preparation of the breading.
  • Pour the breadcrumbs in a baking dish – or a large dish – together with a pinch of salt (a little), chopped parsley, a pinch of oregano and mix to mix perfectly the ingredients.
  • Pour the breadcrumbs in a baking dish – or a large dish – together with a pinch of salt (a little), chopped parsley, a pinch of oregano and mix to mix perfectly the ingredients.
  • Meanwhile put on the fire to heat a pan or a non-stick grill, pass the slices of swordfish in flavored breadcrumbs, always on both sides, pressed well to adhere the “muddica” (breadcrumbs) and place them on the pan already hot. The cooking will be rather fast, a couple of minutes on each side will be more than enough. In any case, check on sight until the breading has become slightly golden.
  • Put on a serving plate and finish giving a final touch with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Serve garnished with lemon slices.

Recipe for 4 portions
Preparation time: Breve
Difficulty: Facile

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Last updated on: 17/08/2023 21:15:30