Sicilian Region’s drought fight includes help for dishwashers

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A dishwasher to fight drought. In fact, the Region will field 980 of them, funding them, “to counteract the water crisis and promote rational water use.” An army of appliances for a maneuver that is mobilizing Parliament and the government: the result of a law and therefore a vote in the Regional Assembly that took place on the eve of Ferragosto, of an instructive process and a call for tenders that will soon be issued by some of the most understaffed offices (those of the Energy department) and a public contribution among the lowest in history, a gratuity of 196 thousand euros.

The race for aid to purchase dishwashers is close to starting. A decree from the Energy councillor, Roberto Di Mauro, has instructed the offices to prepare the call for tenders.

And, even without entering into the debate on the real contribution of dishwashers in the fight against the water crisis, with the amount allocated, a relatively small front can be deployed: according to the decree just signed by Di Mauro, the call for tenders must provide a maximum funding of 200 euros to each Sicilian who has purchased or will purchase a dishwasher: therefore, a maximum of 980 people will have a brand new appliance thanks to the Region.

Lotta alla siccità: aiuti pure per le lavastoviglie, arriva il bando della Regione siciliana

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