Tragic incident on the Palermo-Sciacca road, two victims found outside car by rescuers: conditions of the injured.

They had spent an evening in Palermo, probably with friends, and were returning home to San Giuseppe Jato. Fate caught them in the middle of the night on the road to Sciacca, a cursed stretch for years, in a terrible car accident. There are many question marks about the death of Selma El Mouakit, 20 years old, and little Abd Rahim Gharsallah, 16 months old, who died after the terrible crash in the car they were traveling in at the Giacalone exit.

They were aboard a Fiat Punto, driven by a 23-year-old girl who, apparently, had a blood alcohol level much higher than allowed, and is hospitalized in a coma, in very serious condition, at the Civic Hospital. She was injured along with a fourth person, another 21-year-old girl: she is not in serious condition. Apparently, the girl driving was the mother of the 16-month-old child, while the victim, Selma El Mouakit, would be the aunt of the deceased child, the sister of the 23-year-old girl hospitalized in the hospital.

The two victims and the injured girls had spent the night in Palermo and were returning to San Giuseppe Jato. For reasons that are still under investigation, the car hit the guardrail. The rescues were quick, but there was nothing to do for the twenty-year-old and the child: they died on the spot.

Selma El Mouakit, 20, and little Abd Rahim Gharsallah were thrown out of the car due to the violent impact against the guardrail. The bodies were found by rescuers outside the Fiat Punto they were traveling in. It was reconstructed that the girl was in the front seat next to the driver with the baby on her lap and the seatbelt fastened, but it was all in vain.

The dynamics are being reconstructed by the carabinieri, who intervened on the spot, closing and then reopening a stretch of State Road 624 to allow interventions and surveys. The vehicle involved, as always in accidents with victims, was seized.

Tragico incidente sulla Palermo-Sciacca, le due vittime trovate fuori dall’auto dai soccorritori: le condizioni dei feriti

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