Farmers in Caltanissetta appeal as goats forced to drink mud, leading to deaths from thirst.

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Hundreds of goats forced to drink mud from an artificial pond that has now become a huge puddle. This is the image that comes from the countryside of Caltanissetta with this video posted on the social pages of Coldiretti Sicilia. The testimony comes from Luca Cammarata, a farmer and owner of a livestock company.

“There is no more water to give to the animals – says Cammarata – the only water resource we have is an artificial pond, now invaded by mud and the animals cannot drink.”

The proposal is to mobilize the army to bring water to the livestock farms and it is not just an economic issue (animals that do not drink, cannot eat and therefore produce): “We cannot let the animals die of thirst – emphasizes Cammarata -: it is a dramatic moment.”

In recent days, the Western Sicily Reclamation Consortium has met with agricultural organizations to agree on the distribution of available water resources, while for the livestock sector, tanker trucks, also obtained through the Municipalities, will provide water to the farms.

Capre costrette a bere fango, l’appello da un allevatore di Caltanissetta: «Così vediamo i nostri animali morire di sete»

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