New railway connection between RFI main line and port to be built in Augusta

A new railway connection will be built between the main Rfi line and the port of Augusta: The technical and economic feasibility project, with a total value of around 110 million euros, sourced largely through resources from the Pnrr, is currently in the approval phase and will significantly improve the Augusta port in terms of container traffic and speed in transporting goods. This was announced by the Eastern Sicily Port Authority (AdSP).

“This is an important step in the journey that sees Augusta projected into the future as a transit hub for containers in Sicily,” explained the President of the Eastern Sicily Port Authority Francesco Di Sarecina. “The port will be equipped with valuable railway infrastructure: Since taking office, we have obtained a substantial revision of the project from Rfi, which initially only provided for the loading and unloading track of the cargo yard far from the port (which will be done in the first phase, already funded). Therefore, thanks to additional funds, for which the AdSP is actively working to obtain, the completion of the works will also include a 250-meter railway spur descending from the loading and unloading line done in the first phase down to the port docks in order to load trains directly at the dock.

“The benefits of the upcoming railway connection,” added Di Sarcina, “should be seen in the long term as with the Ponte and with the substantial investments in progress on the island, rail transport of goods, currently marginalized by the current network structure, will be revitalized.”

Augusta, nascerĂ  un collegamento ferroviario tra la linea principale di Rfi e il porto

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