57-year-old from Caltanissetta on trial for allegedly raping landlord.

The preliminary hearing for the 57-year-old man from Caltanissetta accused of raping his landlord will take place on December 20 in front of judge Luca Fadda in Aosta. According to the prosecution, the man, defended by lawyer Massimiliano Bellini, allegedly forced his 65-year-old landlord from Valle d’Aosta to have sexual relations with him for months and even filmed the acts. He was arrested in March along with his wife, who later committed suicide in prison in May. The couple had always denied the accusations. In June, he was released from prison with the obligation to reside in his hometown in Sicily. The couple had rented one of the Valdostan man’s apartments in June 2023, initially having friendly relations with the victim before the nightmare began. The man was allegedly forced to endure at least ten episodes of sexual acts, with one incident causing the Valdostan man to faint. The abuse reportedly continued even when the man pleaded with the couple to stop due to health issues, with the threat of releasing the images of the abuse. The victim, terrified by the couple, changed his lifestyle to avoid them until he finally reported the abuse to the police.
Chiesto processo per un cinquantasettenne di Caltanissetta, accusato di aver violentato il suo padrone di casa
Sicilian news
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