Vulcano’s thermal lake “freeze” finally unlocked after four years

In Vulcano after four years, the “halt” of the thermal pool is unlocked. Judge Giuseppe Sidoti of the Barcellona court has authorized the restoration works to Geoterme, the company that has managed it in recent decades. The request by lawyer Saro Venuto was accepted, while architect Carlo Bry expressed a contrary opinion.
The work has begun and the mud pool, which every year attracted tourists from around the world for its therapeutic benefits, could reopen at the beginning of the summer season, around June. The lawyer requested and obtained the restoration of the site, including the removal of unauthorized constructions in preparation for the expedited trial on Thursday, March 21. Once the building abuses are removed, the release will be requested, allowing full use of the area, just a stone’s throw from the bubbling sea.
Mayor Riccardo Gullo has been appointed as the custodian, taking over from the municipal officer Sergio Li Volsi who has been transferred to another location. During the summer, tourists were able to enter and exit the pool freely. The works to be carried out will primarily involve the Castrogiovanni basin’s concrete beams, cyclopean rocks, walls, and the relocation of chemical toilets. The three defendants are the administrator and president of Geoterme Gustavo Conti, Lino Ferlazzo, and technician Emanuele Carnevale.
Vulcano, dopo quattro anni si sblocca il «fermo» del laghetto termale
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