Violence against women: two red benches in Villa Sofia and Cervello hospital emergency rooms

Two red benches have been installed in the waiting rooms of the Villa Sofia and Cervello hospitals’ emergency rooms, in memory of women who are victims of violence. The benches are accompanied by two panels with the messages: “Escaping violence is possible…it’s easier with us” and “If you want, you can choose a life free from violence…it’s easier with us”, translated into six languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, and Romanian). The graphic illustration was created by two students from the Academy of Fine Arts, Elisa Ciulla and Francesca Di Napoli. The initiative is part of the fight against violence against women and was proposed by the Social Service, which is responsible for the project “Objective PSN 2013” (Action 2.12) “Implementation of the pink code and operational coordination with dedicated services in the healthcare network and improvement of the reception and comfort in the emergency rooms”. The decision to allocate part of the funds to the purchase of the benches was made in consultation with the general management and the directors of the two emergency rooms, with the aim of not only providing healthcare but also active listening and multidisciplinary support to facilitate the exit from violence for women. This initiative symbolizes the company’s sensitivity towards this social emergency.

Violenza contro le donne, due panchine rosse nei pronto soccorso di Villa Sofia e e Cervello di Palermo

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