Vandals destroy scout truck: fundraising campaign launched

Vandals in action in Vittoria. In recent days, they targeted and damaged the Iveco Fiat Daily truck of the scouts from the Resurrezione parish. Without stealing anything, they slashed some tires, broke the side windows, opened the doors, and gutted the seats. The incident was reported to the Carabinieri.

The scouts have launched an appeal to repair the damage suffered. Various groups are collaborating to raise about 3,000 euros. “The boys did not want to stop – explained scout leader Massimo Cilia – they have planned some activities to support the expense and many are helping us with small donations.” Today, Sunday, May 5th, a dessert fair will also be held in Vittoria, with which parents will contribute.

In recent days, the parish had reported the incident with a post on Facebook, attaching four photos that we reproduce here. “Loud Voices Against Vandalism: Let’s raise our voices against those who destroy!” the title of the post. “Dear ones, with heavy hearts – it reads immediately after – we share with you a sad and disappointing event that has hit our Scout Group Vittoria 3. Our truck, parked inside our parish Resurrezione, was the target of malicious and despicable acts committed by irresponsible kids. This truck is a very useful tool for our activities, a symbol of commitment, adventure, and solidarity. We purchased it and have maintained it in the best possible way with great dedication and sacrifice to serve our Scout Group. It was a hard blow! We have suffered significant material damage, but also a deep sense of betrayal and disillusionment! NO to Vandalism! We CONDEMN loudly and denounce these acts of cowardice to reject destructive behaviors and encourage values of respect, responsibility, and solidarity. With hope, the Vittoria 3 scout group”.

Vittoria, i vandali distruggono il camioncino degli scout: scatta una raccolta fondi

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