Two convicts arrested in Gela and Niscemi, their sentences are final

The police officers of the Gela police station executed a concurrent penalty order and a simultaneous execution order, issued by the Prosecutor General of the Republic at the Court of Appeal, against a 27-year-old man sentenced by the Court of Appeal of Caltanissetta to 7 years, 11 months, and 16 days of imprisonment and 6 months of arrest for crimes of theft, committed on several occasions, robbery, resisting a public official, and others. Similarly, the agents of the Niscemi police station executed the execution order, issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, against a 63-year-old man sentenced by the Gela Court to 2 years and 20 days of imprisonment and 1 year and 2 months of arrest for the crimes of receiving stolen goods, violating the provisions relating to special public security surveillance, and others. Both arrested individuals, after the formalities, were taken to prison in Gela.

Le pene sono definitive, arrestati a Gela e Niscemi due condannati

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