Tuna return to Pignataro port: record catch, one fish weighs 236 kg

The tuna caught by the Aeolian fishermen arrives in large numbers at the port of Pignataro, where, after the approval of Mayor Gullo’s council, they have been authorized to unload and weigh the fish products. There has also been a record catch of a 236 kg tuna. This is the result of the inter-institutional cooperation protocol established between the Municipality and Cogepa (Consortium for the guidance, coordination, and management of coastal, local, artisanal, and close-range fishing enterprises of the Aeolian Islands) to support activities and services at fish landing points within the maritime district.

“The docks of Pignataro and Marina Corta – explains Mayor Riccardo Gullo – have been secured and equipped with all the necessary approvals from health authorities, are finally operational, allowing fishermen to bring the fish directly on site, instead of going first to Milazzo for weighing. The fishing in recent days, with the unloading of tuna at Pignataro, shows how this significantly contributes to strengthening the supply capacity of “zero kilometer” fish for local businesses and operators, thus creating a high-quality circuit within the Lipari fishery sector.”

For Gullo, furthermore, “the activation of forms of cooperation between the Municipality and the Consortium of fishermen represents an important contribution to social aggregation and inter-generational exchange. Young people are active subjects to whom to pass on Aeolian traditions, such as fishing, which constitute the essential characteristics of the island community.”

Lipari, tornano i tonni al porto di Pignataro: pesca record, un esemplare pesa 236 chilogrammi

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