Trapani: 5-year-old boy dies from peritonitis, parents seek justice

The parents of five-year-old Giorgio, who died of acute peritonitis three days after visiting a pediatrician, are seeking justice. The family, from Trapani, wants to shed light on the causes that led to the child’s death. They have turned to lawyer Massimiliano Fabio of the Patti Bar Association for help, and a preliminary hearing is scheduled for July 17. The incident dates back to June of last year, when the mother reported the child’s symptoms to the trusted pediatrician. Despite the child’s deteriorating condition, the doctor diagnosed him with a common gastroenteritis. The child’s condition worsened, and he was eventually diagnosed with acute appendicitis with peritonitis. The parents donated the child’s organs, but due to the severity of the infections, the donation was not possible. The lawyer filed a report to determine responsibilities, with the pediatrician facing allegations of manslaughter or personal injuries in the healthcare field for negligence in treating the child. The prosecutor’s hypotheses will be decided by the judge on July 17.

Trapani, bimbo di 5 anni morto per una peritonite: i genitori chiedono giustizia

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