Thousands attend Good Friday procession in Palermo’s Albergheria, with children taking center stage

The article describes the procession of the church of the Bakers in the Albergheria district of Palermo, which is one of the oldest and most spectacular in the city. The procession involves people of all ages, dressed in period costumes, who walk barefoot from the church of San Giuseppe Cafasso. The mayor, councilors, police commander, and regional assessors also participate in the procession. The mayor expressed his support for the neighborhood and wished the citizens a peaceful and happy holiday season. The representation of Good Friday is deeply felt in the neighborhood, with rituals and prayers for the children in the nearby hospital. The article highlights the importance of tradition and community in the event.

Palermo, in migliaia per la processione del venerdì Santo all’Albergheria con i bimbi protagonisti

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