Termini Imerese, Carolina Varchi: “Basis for Economic Rebirth in the Area”

“New good news for the relaunch of the former Fiat industrial area in Termini Imerese”: this is how Carolina Varchi, deputy and responsible for Southern Italy Policies of Fratelli d’Italia, begins her statement. Varchi, who is from Palermo and a former deputy mayor of the city, emphasizes the importance of the government’s work in achieving positive outcomes. A technical roundtable convened by the Minister of Enterprises Adolfo Urso, with the presence of the Minister of Labor Marina Elvira Calderone, has laid the groundwork for the creation of a real industrial park that will support the new establishment of Pelligra and the revitalization of the area in terms of employment, both for workers and those in related industries.

Varchi also acknowledges the involvement of Sicilian institutions. She highlights the collaboration with the Port Authority and the Interport Company as evidence of alignment with the regional government led by Renato Schifani and particularly with the Infrastructure Assessor Alessandro Aricò. This collaborative effort will enhance the port and surrounding areas, setting the stage for a true rebirth of the region economically and entrepreneurially, and also for attracting new businesses that can benefit from the optimal logistical conditions in Termini Imerese. Varchi expresses gratitude to the government for its focus on such a crucial topic for Sicily’s development and employment. These are the tangible, real responses that address those who speak of a forgotten South. Varchi concludes by stating that the South is truly restarting in this manner: not through subsidies, but through real work.”

Termini Imerese, Carolina Varchi: «Ora ci sono le basi per la rinascita economica di tutta la zona»

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