Taurianova named Book Capital 2024, Trapani and other finalists protest exclusion: “Doubts about the competition’s fairness”

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The four finalist cities in the competition for the Italian Capital of the Book 2024 (Trapani, Grottaferrata, San Mauro Pascoli, and Tito) “express perplexity and raise doubts about the regularity of the competition” after the Undersecretary of the League, Claudio Durigon announced the designation of Taurianova as the winner, based on an advance received from Mayor Roy Biasi.
“The news leaked before the official announcement from the Ministry of Culture. The lack of clarity – say the representatives of the Municipalities – raises doubts about the validity of the decision-making process, negatively influencing its perception.”
The excluded finalists request a “prompt and transparent communication from the ministry to guarantee the integrity of the competition.”
Photo: Fradelliana Library in Trapani.
Taurianova capitale del libro 2024, Trapani e le altre finaliste escluse protestano: «Dubbi sulla regolarità del concorso»
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