Talking about peace in a time of war, secular and believers in comparison in Palermo

The conference titled “Italy repudiates war. Peace as an educational principle, a concrete response to the horror of war” aims to reflect on the value of peace in a moment of great instability and tension in Ukraine and the Middle East. The event, organized by various associations and institutions, will bring together experts, scholars, and religious leaders to discuss the pursuit of hope and valid alternatives to inequalities. The conference will feature roundtable discussions and lectures, including one by the president of the International University of Peace of the United Nations on the world facing inequalities and the lack of hope. The Archbishop emeritus of Monreale will also speak on the international community and the right to war. The conference will conclude with a pontifical ceremony and the presentation of honors, emphasizing the importance of education and formation as essential tools for the path to peace. The organizers also plan to propose a conference on interfaith dialogue to promote practical discussions of peace. Overall, the conference seeks to emphasize the fundamental role of justice in achieving lasting and certain peace, while also highlighting the importance of reestablishing the rules of international coexistence.
Parlare di pace in tempo di guerra, laici e credenti a confronto a Palermo
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