Schifani’s move in Sicily: a law to save waste facilities.

The article discusses the controversy surrounding the amendment to the ban on the construction of waste treatment facilities within three kilometers of residential areas in Sicily. The amendment, which was approved by the Regional Assembly and included in Regional Law No. 9 of 2023, has caused tension within the majority. The President of the Region, Renato Schifani, called the Energy Commissioner, Roberto Di Mauro, to discuss the matter. To resolve this issue, the government plans to present an abrogative proposal to repeal the previously approved amendment. A repeal amendment was deposited yesterday. This swift maneuver aims to address the criticism from mayors (who had planned interventions under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan) and Sicilian industrialists.

Rifiuti in Sicilia, la mossa di Schifani: una legge per salvare gli impianti

Sicilian news
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