Santa Croce, Loris’s father: “My son is now an adult, but I can only imagine him”

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In a letter, Andrea Stival remembers his son Loris, who would have turned 18 today. Loris, a child from Santa Croce Camerina, in Ragusa, was killed on November 29, 2014, at the age of 8, by his mother Veronica Panarello, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for murder and concealing the body. Stival expresses his thoughts and memories of Loris on his birthday, saying that he will always remember him with a smile. The article also mentions that Veronica Panarello’s 30-year prison sentence became final on November 21, 2019, after the Cassation Court rejected her appeal. The article provides details of the murder, where Loris was strangled with plastic ties in the family home in Santa Croce Camerina, and his body was found in a ravine. Panarello initially claimed she took him to school but was caught in lies by surveillance footage.

Santa Croce, il padre di Loris: «Mio figlio oggi maggiorenne, ma posso solo immaginarlo»

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