Salemi Mayor: “Municipalities should be involved in authorization process for migrant facilities”

The mayor of Salemi, Domenico Venuti, is asking the Sicilian Region and the Trapani prefecture to involve local municipalities in the authorization process for migrant reception facilities. He wants municipalities to have a say in the planning of arrivals, the appropriateness of the projects, and the suitability of buildings for this purpose. Venuti highlights the increasing problems with migrant reception facilities in Salemi, including incidents involving migrants, such as fights and damage to public and private property, leading to a growing sense of insecurity among the population. He emphasizes the need for systematic involvement of municipalities to prevent negative attitudes and intolerance towards migrants, and to avoid speculative or prejudicial practices. Venuti concludes by rejecting isolationist tendencies and emphasizing the importance of managing the migrant phenomenon seriously and without prejudice.
Migranti, il sindaco di Salemi: «I Comuni siano coinvolti nell’iter di autorizzazione per le strutture di accoglienza»
Sicilian news
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