Right to water: protest in Palermo with sit-in in front of Palazzo d’Orleans
The “Together for Water” committee has called for a demonstration in front of the Palace of Orleans on Friday, May 31 at 11 am, to “protest the inaction of the regional government in alleviating the severe drought situation affecting the entire territory of Ribera.” Despite meetings with various department heads, the emergency water commissioner, several technical committees, and exhortations from the prefect of Agrigento, the committee states that they have not seen any concrete action to reassure the thousands of agricultural companies in Ribera and the 13 neighboring municipalities that cultivate Ribera oranges, Ribera thigh pears, and Bivona Peach IGP. The committee notes that the water from the Verdura River continues to flow into the sea and Enel continues to produce energy from hydroelectric plants, wasting water instead of storing it in the Castello dam. They are urging for the immediate allocation of water from the Castello dam for irrigation, as well as the implementation of a plan for short, medium, and long-term interventions, including permanent connection of the Gammauta-Castello pipeline, resolution of the agreement with Enel, reactivation of lifts on the Verdura River, reconstruction of the irrigation networks in the area, and specific financial measures for water conservation and increased irrigation capacity.
Diritto all’acqua, manifestazione a Palermo: sit-in davanti al palazzo d’Orleans
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