Riesame cancels ordinance for Trapani businessman in Safina investigation
The article explains that the Palermo Court of Review has ruled that there is no evidence of criminal activity or serious indications of guilt in the case of engineer Christian Valerio, a manager at the lighting company City Green Light. Valerio had been subject to temporary measures preventing him from carrying out entrepreneurial activities or holding management positions for a year, after being implicated in an investigation involving a public tender for a lighting project in Trapani.
The court’s ruling, based on a 20-page document, clarifies that proper procedures were followed in the project financing process, and no criminal wrongdoing was found. The judges also stated that Valerio did not receive any secret information that was not already available to him, and that there was no evidence of any corrupt activity related to the tender.
Corruzione a Trapani, il Riesame annulla l’ordinanza per un imprenditore coinvolto nell’inchiesta Safina
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