Regional Assembly of Sicily, Intravaia leaves Brothers of Italy: disagreements on Monreale mayoral candidate

The regional deputy Marco Intravaia has announced his self-suspension, “with deep regret”, from Fratelli d’Italia and his membership in the mixed parliamentary group at the Regional Assembly. The decision was communicated during a meeting with mayors and local administrators in the province of Palermo. It is understood that the decision is based on disagreements with the party regarding the candidacy for mayor in the Municipality of Monreale, where elections are held on 8 and 9 June. Intravaia, the current President of the City Council of Monreale, supports the re-election of the incumbent Alberto Arcidiacono. Former head of Nello Musumeci’s secretariat when he was President of the Region, and current point of reference for the Minister, Marco Intravaia is the son of Vice Sergeant Domenico, killed in the Nassiriya massacre in Iraq on 12 November 2023.

Assemblea Regionale Siciliana, Intravaia lascia Fratelli d’Italia: contrasti sul candidato sindaco a Monreale

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