Postal worker Patti fired for stealing money from elderly clients

The Carabinieri carried out a precautionary measure order for the presentation to the judicial police issued by the Gip of Patti against a postal employee in the Patti area who is accused of embezzlement. She allegedly stole over 25,000 euros from the accounts and bonds of elderly customers. Following the illicit actions, Poste Italiane, as a civil party, fired the woman.

The precautionary measure comes at the end of an investigative activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the Patti Company, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, led by Vittorio Angelo Cavallo, who in November 2022 had started investigations following complaints from two customers. With the help of Poste Italiane officials, the Carabinieri were able to reconstruct the scheme devised by the “unfaithful” employee to pocket over 25,000 euros taken from passbooks and bonds of unaware customers, mostly elderly, taking advantage of their trust.

According to the investigations, the woman, with each withdrawal request from the deceived customers’ passbooks, withdrew significantly higher amounts than requested, illegally keeping the difference. Additionally, without the account holders’ knowledge, using her user ID improperly, she also appropriated bonds and other sums of money deducted from other passbooks and through illegal access to ATMs.

Patti, dipendente delle poste rubava denaro agli anziani: licenziata

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