Police checks in Palermo on weekends: fines and venue seized

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New controls by the municipal police in nightlife areas. This weekend, as part of activities aimed at combating the sale and consumption of alcoholic and superalcoholic beverages outside of regulated hours, in compliance with the new nightlife regulations, agents intervened in various locations such as Via Roma, Piazza San Domenico, Via Ricasoli, La Lumia, and Via Dante, Piazza Castelnuovo. In total, they confiscated administratively 7,690 alcoholic beverages in glass containers, 3,899 alcoholic beverages in cans, and closed down one establishment for operating without a license. Fines amounted to nearly 14,000 euros.
In Via Roma, Piazza San Domenico, a commercial establishment was shut down because it did not meet the necessary administrative and fiscal requirements. During the inspection, the owner was found selling alcoholic beverages in glass containers after 10 pm to multiple customers, all of whom were identified. Agents seized the establishment as well as all alcoholic beverages held for sale inside the premises: 4,052 alcoholic beverages in glass containers and 1,124 beverages in cans.
Similarly, in Via Ricasoli, La Lumia, the owner was found selling alcoholic beverages in glass and cans for takeout, and selling alcoholic beverages past 10 pm to multiple customers, all identified. In this case as well, agents seized all alcoholic beverages held for sale inside the establishment: 1,939 alcoholic beverages in glass containers and 1,156 beverages in cans.
Movida a Palermo, controlli dei vigili nel fine settimana: multe e locale sequestrato
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