Pediatricians raise alarm in Palermo: “Few pediatric intensive care units in Sicily”

The 48th Regional Congress of Pediatrics and Neonatology discussed the management of infant bronchiolitis, technological advancements, and the risks associated with limited intensive care unit (ICU) beds. The conference, held at the NH Hotel in Palermo, featured renowned speakers and university professors. The second day of the conference focused on bronchiolitis, with speakers providing a comprehensive overview of the current situation. Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection that affects the narrowest part of the bronchial tree and can lead to respiratory insufficiency requiring assisted ventilation in infants. In recent years, the seasonality of bronchiolitis has diminished, with the infection now circulating more widely, even outside the winter season. The lockdown measures introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic have further contributed to the increased spread of the disease. Palermo has witnessed a significant surge in bronchiolitis cases, necessitating hospitalization, with a call for the establishment of a network between neonatal hospitals in Sicily to effectively combat the epidemic. However, the lack of pediatric intensive care unit beds remains a challenge, particularly during the peak winter months. Additionally, the absence of effective pharmacological treatments for bronchiolitis is a source of frustration for pediatricians, who lack the tools to counter the disease’s progression. The conference also included a meeting with the rector of the University of Palermo to discuss these issues.
Da Palermo l’allarme dei pediatri: “In Sicilia pochi posti di terapia intensiva per i più piccoli”
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