Palermo’s Barbera oil tests with flying colors: Sicilian extra virgin prevents stress and diseases

Researchers from the University of Palermo have conducted tests on Barbera extra virgin olive oil with astonishing results. The tests showed that the polyphenols present in Sicilian extra virgin oil provide annual health protection, from preventing oxidative stress to preventing cancer. The oils were administered to a sample group of approximately 350 patients with various conditions, resulting in significant improvements. Even those who consumed regular extra virgin olive oil saw positive effects. The results highlight the important role of olive oil in the Mediterranean diet. Manfredi Barbera, president of Premiati oleifici Barbera, expressed his enthusiasm for the results, stating that olive oil is a gift from nature and is one of the best in the world in terms of nutritional value.

Palermo, l’olio Barbera supera a pieni voti i test: «L’extra vergine siciliano previene stress e malattie»

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