Palermo street lamp post collapses, crushing car

A streetlight pole collapsed this morning in Palermo, in the Noce district. No one was injured but given that the street is usually very busy, it could have been worse.

The incident occurred at the address 91, near via Rinaldo D’Aquino. The pole broke at the base and fell onto the street, destroying a parked car. The street was temporarily closed to traffic by the traffic police. Also on site were the firefighters and technicians from the Municipality.

“Another tragedy was narrowly avoided,” says Davide Grasso, councillor for the fifth district. “It has become impossible to live in this city, everything happens, trees fall, streetlights collapse, the roads fail. Citizens should feel safe in the city and yet what happened today is happening.”

Palermo, palo della luce crolla in strada: distrutta un’auto

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